Saturday, April 2, 2011

Copyright Law - Grasping The Concept of Fair Use

Copyright owners to protect my rights shout! Online publishers yell fair use allows me to use copyrighted material! Who is right? Answer is found in the concept of fair use.

Let's assume you have decided to write the next great American novel. You spend two years slaving over it. Two characters and the plot just to the right's long, hard year. Miracle of miracles, the book is taken up by a major publisher and it becomes a hit.

Then people started copying and all publishing on the web. About how you're going? Not very good blood, sweat and tears you put into making it. The question that fair use allows them to do this? Answer may surprise you.

Under the concept of fair use, without your permission I may use your copyrighted work. This being said, there are limitations to this right. I only use it as a review or criticism can work; teaching; news reporting scholarship or research. Let's look at two examples to flesh this out.

Let's assume your a science fiction novel was written. I have a novel in which I review the latest Sci-FI's site. I without permission on your site to use your novel? Yes, because I review and / or criticism about'm providing.

Now we take the same scenario with a twist. You published novel and I closed the cover and summary of the Amazon, optimizing page copy to the number one spot for it so I can make money on affiliate sales, try to get. I can not? Not fair use under the provisions of any of the categories is not worth it acceptable. That being said, neither you nor your publisher to have complained when you are getting the revenue from every sale, but it is a topic for another article.

Clearly a fair use of a proper defense to copyright infringement so long as you are using copyrighted material within acceptable regions claim. If you are not, the fair use defense is not only one of any kind.

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